Track and Field Calendar

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

2019 Track Season

Order your Track and Field t-shirt NOW! You'll need to purchase the shortsleeve t-shirt pictured below in order to participate in meets and relays. Below is the information. Use the link,, to place your order. All orders need to be completed by March 11th.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Remind App

Student-Athletes and Parents,

The coaching staff and I have created a Remind text messaging system to help disseminate information more effectively. This is something new for us; please allow us to work out the bugs. Here is the class code: @efhg2f. There are further directions below.


Learwood Middle School Track and Field Coaching Staff

To get text notifications:
  • Join by text:
    Participants text a unique class code to a Remind phone number. For U.S teachers, the Remind number is 81010. For example, if you wanted to join a class with the class code @math, you would text @math to 81010. 
  • Join online:
    Visit and enter the class code along with your mobile phone number. You'll get text notifications at the number you entered.